"At the most recent VAC meeting, November 10, 2001, the FOM donation (of $500) allowed the council to award seven grants for a total of 4848 dirhams. The projects funded include the following: a basketball hoop for a dar chebab basketball club in Demnate, funding a women's association couture project in Sidi Ifni, two world maps and one Morocco map in Tiznit in addition to funding a bead making class at Tisnit's Artisinal, book shelving for a dar chebab library in Hadcourt, transportation for tress to be planted in Taza and a photo documentation and web site project on traditional weaving in Taza"
Approved PC Projects (April-June 1999)
36. French Technique Manuals/Lexine Hansen Health& San Tahannaoute 1000Dh
37. Cartographic Map & Enlargement partially funded Ken Surdin Tazekka National Park, Taza, 1000Dh
38. Toothbrush Project Jennifer Wells Health & Sanitation Ouarzazate,Taourirt 1000Dh
39. Arabic Technique Manuals Lexine Hansen Health& San Tahannaoute/1000Dh
Peace Corps VAC funded Projects total from May to Present (25,165.00 Dh)
Approved VAC projects List (Jan-Feb 1999)
Computer' Literacy Project/Julie Ann Andreshok/ESP Edu. Rabat 900 DH
Tree Planting Project/Garrett Mumma and Erica Clark/O&M visually impaired school Marrakech 1000 DH
Moroccan Sign language Manual/Angle Williams ESP Ecole National de Commerce de Gestion Agadir l000 DH
Book Project/Kate Blahchord/Dar Chebob Bournjane-bodes Province de Ouarzazate (partial funding) 335 DH
Educational-Resource Development/ Amy Mowry/El .Tadida ('partial funding) 370 DH
Vegetable Garden Project/Ann Tenthoff/MCH/Ouorzozate Toourirt 575.00Dh
World Map Project/ Jonathan Scott /ESP, Rabat - Akkari Orphanage for boys 396 DH
World Map Project/Paul Drain (Approved 21 August 1998.) Ait Blel Province d'Azilal, 461.50 DH
Approved and Funded VAC Projects (MAY - DEC 1998)
World Map Project Amy Kleine/Health & Sanitation Tnine-Ghiate Province de Sari 172DH
World Map Project Kate Blanchard/ESP Dar Chebab BP. 1 Beni Tadjite 256DH
World Map Project Matthew Schofield/ESP Dar Chebab Erfoud 410DH
Two Blackboards for Dar Chabebs Matthew Schofield/ESP Dar Chebab Erfoud 760DH
Rabbit Housing Construction Book Erin Dolat, Agricultural/Rural Commnunity Development DPA de Boulemane 720DH
Work Map Project kit BobPratt/ Ben Ahmecl Province de Settat 254.50
Gracious Living in the Atlas Mountains (Informational book) Celeste Frye Maternal & Child health care Taounza, Province d'Azilal 330DH
Herbarium Emilie Reyes Park and Wildlife/Environment. Ed. Park Nature Ifrane 1000DH
Topographical World MapMichael Kush O&M Ecole de Avengles, Sari 553.25DH
World Map David Trevor. Riggert Agriculture, Khouribga 750DH
Tile purchase of 4 liters of Panacurffor Parasite control in livestock Josephine Shain agriculture,Tata 800DH
Rainwater Catchment Cistern, Amy Kielrte Hygiene Sanitation/ Sari 908.00DH
World Map Mortica Jackson./DarChebab Education Er-Rachidia 176DH
A Survey on the general (Health Status of Women of Reproductive Ages(15-49) RaqueI Samson Maternal Child heatl'h Imi-n-Oulawen 750DH
Toothbrush/ Dental Hygiene Education JeannineWenzel Health/Sanitation Alt Tareeah/C.R Mouley Bouzoukton/Province Essaouira 10OODH
Raised Topographical Map ChrisOrmsby/ Orientation and Mobility Taroudant 800DH
2 sided wooden Sign for women selling Argon Maureen McNamer AgricultureTafraout 151 Dh
Parc Photo Booklet Sue Hilderbrand/Parks and Wildlife Envoronmental Education/PWEEParc Naturel D'Ifrane 1000DH
Resource Manual/Lexi Hahsen/ Health Sanitation Tamannaoute 360Dh
Total Funding Paid Out for Peace Corps Projects 10,047.50 DH or $1,094.26 with an exchange rate of 9.182 (as of Dec 31, 1998)
A List of a Few Volunteer Assistance Committee/Morocco-Funded Projects
World Map Painting Project Dar Chebab in Beni Tadjite, Morocco
PCV program: (ESP) English Specific Purposes
VAC project approval date: June 29, 1998
Informational Booklet on Healthy Living in the Sahara and High Atlas MTS/Morocco
PCV program: (MCH) Maternal and Child Health V
VAC project approval date: August 21,1998
Two Black Boards for a Dar Chebab (community center) in Erfoud, Morocco
PCV program: (ESP) English Specific Purposes
AC project approval date: July 14, 1998
Slide Show (Environmental Education) in A1 Hoceima Arrondissment Parc National d' Al Hoceima, Morocco
PCV program: (PWEE) Parks, Wildlife and Environment Education
VAC project approval date: May 21, 1997
Community Center Sports Equipment for a Dar Chebab in Rich, Morocco
PCV program: (ESP) English Specific Purposes
VAC project approval date: February 15, 1998
Museum Project (English, French and Arabic inventory translation ) in Meknes, Morocco
PCV program: (ESP) English Specific Purposes
VAC project approval date: May 1, 1997
World Map Painting Project in Province d'Azilal, Morocco
PCV program (H/S) Health/Sanitation
VAC project approval date: August 21,1998
Field Guides for Parc National du Tazekka Service des Eaux et Forets in Taza / Morocco
PCV program (AG) Agriculture / Rural community Development
VAC project approval date: March 24, 1998
Wildlife Observation Equipment (2 tripod stands) at Service des Eaux et Forets in Toutite par Midelt, Morocco
PCV program: (PWEE) Parks, Wildlife and Environment Education
VAC project approval date: March 23, 1998 (but only partially funded)
Herbarium Parc National d 'Al Hoceima Arrondissment des Eaux et Forets
PCV program PWEE Biologist
VAC project approved date: July 27, 1998 waiting for funding
Wall Painting Depicting Hygiene and Nutritional Examples Using Cartoon Characters in Centre de Sante Tighmi Par Tiznit/Morocco
PCV program (H/S) Health/Sanitation
VAC project approval date: March 12,1998
Rabbit Hutch Construction in Touama province A1 Haouz/Morocco
PCV Program (AG)Women's Extension program
VAC project approval date: June 23, 1997
Focus on a project done by Michael Kusch of Sari. Michael is a an O&M volunteer and he put his VAC grant towards creating classroom teaching aids for over 19 students.
At l'Ecole des Aveugles in Safi, there is a lack of teaching aids in the classroom. Michael feels it would be a great benefit to his students if they had Braille maps, calendars, clocks, number blocks and geometric shapes to use to teach concepts of time, space, and form. It is imperative that these tools be durable.
Michael is still currently working on his project. He has already completed a world map for his classroom. VAC contributed 553Dh to the estimated 1200Dh total of this project. Michael would like to remind everyone that volunteering at a blind school is a great secondary project. As O&M will be discontinued as a sector in June 1999, they will probably be in need of your help.